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Friday, April 29, 2011

Would they need to sign a release form?

I was sewing Tribbles and watching TV last night when I saw a commercial for  We have all seen it.  It was the one where they follow two people on a "real date" and film them all giggly and stuff.  Ya know, THAT one.

So that got me to thinking...I could do that!
No, not the random giggle and date crap, but the filming part of it.
We all know that if I were to start dating again and use a website to do it, I would blog about that shit like crazy, so why not secretly film it and post that comedy gold on youtube or something and have a dating web blog.  I think that it would be hilarious!

Would I find a boyfriend?  I doubt it.  Safe to say, that will never happen.  But, think of how much fun that would be to set up dates, maybe plan for odd locations and have someone film it.

I am sure that this probably has been done already and there are lots of 'kinks' that I would have to work out, but I think it would be a fun little project.

Ok...I just need someone to hide in the bushes with a video camera....  

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