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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hey there, D Bag...

As a parent, there are a lot of things that I teach my kids.

Say please and thank you.
Look someone in the eye when speaking to them.
Wash your hands after going to the bathroom.
Don't let people see you picking your nose.
Treat people like you would want to be treated.

The last one is a big one for me. 

I often get told that I am too nice.  That sounds like such a negative.  Have I been nice to people when I should have smacked them?  YES!  Am I nice to certain people that really need to be told to fuck off? YES!

Why?  Because I am sure there has been times when I have been the one that should have been smacked but instead, someone was nice to me.

Treat others like you want to be treated.  It's simple.  You should try it.
And life is just too short to walk around being a douche bag (although I know that some of you just can't help it).  

Oh....but never assume that I am stupid or I am going to let you walk all over me. I will shank a bitch, but I will smile while I am doing it :)


  1. Once a douche bag always a douche careful who you are nice to. They will eventually walk all over you if they haven't already. Douche bag is different than someone who is struggling or just having a hard time I would say...douche bags are truly clueless and use people...deserve to be shanked without the smile, before they mess with you.

  2. Girl! I kept reading and I hope the douche in this story isn't the one from the tell me lies story! If it is, don't be nice! He will still not like the kid part when all is said and done and is probably still stringing along the chick he didn't really break up with! There's more than one douche in the world, so I could be wrong! Go on a shanking spree!

  3. Just to let you know...since I posted this story, I have not YET had to go on a shanking spree. I guess the DB's of the world are least from me.
