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Tuesday, February 1, 2011 for the snark

As a matter of fact, no, I do not own any Valentines Day socks. Thankyouverymuch.
And unless they magically show up at my house compliments of the Sock Fairy, or someone else that hates me, I will not be spending my money on them.  I would much rather my cash go to something a bit less horrible, just a Justin Beiber CD. *my stomach just turned at the thought -UGH.

Am I a bit snarky when it comes to this? FUCK YES I AM.

Look.  No offense to the happy little people buzzing around  me with joy and crap in their hearts.  If that works for you--by all means, you have at it.  You dress in all red on the 14th and show up with socks that have hearts and whatnot all over them.  When I walk past your cube on that day and you make me look at the flowers your husband sent you, I will smile and do my best not to puke on your computer.

But do not make me try and get all geeked out about this date.  Ok?  I have tried to do it in the past and at this point I am too bitter and cold.  Oh betchya...I said it...I am cold!  Cold hearted and bitchy.
*insert angry Tamara face.

I will make you a deal, happy co worker of mine, you stay away from me with all your joy and bewilderment about my not owning Valentines Day socks and I will not slip Draino in your flowers when you go to lunch. 
Do we have a deal?


PS...I kinda want these socks


  1. Deal. I won't wear my sexy red dress and heart leggings.

  2. Thanks, Kev! I knew I could count on you.

    P.S....your flowers will be safe...this year!
