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Monday, January 31, 2011

Covet-Part Two

I have been dreaming of corsets.  I have always loved them.  Never worn them, but like fierce heels, I must own them-and let them live in my closet.
I figured now with class starting tomorrow I at least have a reason to own them now...kinda.

I have a game plan as to how I want the costume to go for the class....and it needs to be green (don't ask).  It's a bit hard to find a green corset that does not make you look like Kermit barfed on you.  Trust me.  I have been looking!
So when I thought that I had found one that I liked, I was all geeked up...maybe even did a happy butt wiggle dance..maybe.  But when I looked closer, the corset that I think that I am going to get...was the same one that I had been drooling over everyday for weeks, but in green (the last one was red).

Hmmm....I guess I have a covet type?  Is that good or bad????

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